Saturday, 12 November 2011

These pictures were taken one week after my fourth laser hair removal treatment.  I didn't start shedding until the 8th day, but my hair was breaking at the point these photos were taken.  The hair is growing more slowly than before I started the treatment.  I'm not sure if this is entirely because of the treatment.  I've read that hair grows slower in colder weather, and it is December.  

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal
(Even though South Florida isn't cold, it's still colder than when I started in April.). If you look at the bikini area pictures you can see the hair is different lengths.  This is because it is very fragile; it breaks when anything rubs against it.
You can hardly see the hair on my upper lip.  If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can see small black dots where the hair is surfacing. I am very concerned about pepperspots because unlike after the other treatments the hair is not pushing through my skin very quickly.



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