Saturday, 12 November 2011

In Los Angeles, there are many different types of breast implants available. Now implants are all made of a silicone sac, and then filled with different forms of solutions. The two most popular forms of breast implants are saline implants and silicone-gel implants. Now the FDA currently approves saline implants, and silicone-gel implants are only to be used in certain cases. However there is a debate that is still continuing on whether or not silicone-gel filled implants should be allowed back on the market. If you are considering having breast implants here in Los Angeles, you can contact the staff at Dr. Robert Rey’s office. They can help provide you with more information on breast implants or they could schedule you an appointment to meet with Dr. Rey at his Los Angeles office. There you and the doctor can discuss your plans for having breast implants.

During consultation here in Los Angeles, you can ask Dr. Rey exactly what type of breast implants are available. For example if you are interested in silicone-gel implants you can ask the doctor as to what type of case qualifies for silicone-gel implants. This is also a time where you can tell the doctor how much of an increase you want in your breasts. So consultation is important when receiving breast implants. If you are interested in receiving breast implants here in Los Angeles, contact the staff at Dr. Robert Rey’s office

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For years even the mention of silicone breast implants caused women in Temecula, San Diego and everywhere to cringe. Many women may still remember when the FDA pulled silicone breast implants off the market because of their tendency to rupture. Now, after more than a decade, the FDA has APPROVED the use of gel filled silicone implants.
The FDA’s reasons for studying the new high strength gel silicone breast implants was purely for reasons of safety. Plastic surgeons like silicone gel implants, not only because they are safe, but because silicone breast enhancements feel and look completely natural. Dr. Pousti has been involved with two studies for Mentor Silicone Implants and Inamed Silicone Implants for the past 10 years and therefore has experience with using these silicone gel implants on many patients. These studies were in place to give the FDA the additional data they require before they would approve silicone breast implants for general use. Women who qualified for participation in these studies had to meet the following criteria:

  • You are a mastectomy patient and are undergoing reconstructive surgery.
  • You are having revisionary surgery and already have saline implants.
  • You are having a breast lift (mastopexy), in addition to breast augmentation.
  • You have a chest wall deformity (pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum, possibly scoliosis).
At this time, you do not need to meet the above criteria.
After rigorous scientific review, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the marketing of silicone gel-filled breast implants made by two companies for breast reconstruction in women of all ages and breast augmentation in women ages 22 and older. The products are made by Allergan Corp. (Formerly Inamed Corp.) and Mentor Corporation. Mentor Corp.’s silicone gel implants are called the MemoryGel Breast implants.
In the past decade, many independent studies have been performed to examine whether silicone gel-filled breast implants are associated with connective tissue disease or any cancers. These studies have concluded that there is no convincing evidence that breast implants are associated with either of these diseases.

Now that the products have been determined to be safe, the FDA will continue to monitor them by requiring each company to follow about 40,000 women for 10 years after receiving the breast implants. This is normal practice for the FDA so that they will be able to answer important questions that could only be answered once the product is in broader use. The post-approval studies will be closely monitored by the FDA.
If you would like to discuss your options regarding using silicone gel-filled breast implants, it is required that you schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who has been approved to perform silicone breast enhancements with these implants. Dr. Pousti is one such plastic surgeon.
To schedule a consultation at our La Jolla, San Diego or Temecula/Murrieta Valley offices, please call (619) 466-8851 or (951) 501-9822. If you live outside of San Diego and would like to participate in this study, please visit Fly in for Surgery for information about travel, accommodations and scheduling information.
Silicone gel breast implants are pre-filled, unlike the saline implants that are filled once they are placed under the muscle of the patient. Surgeons order them in the requested size and they cannot be changed. Plastic surgeons have to make longer incisions in most cases to place a silicone gel filled breast implant than a saline filled breast implant, all other things being equal.

Silicone Breast Enhancement Procedures

The surgical technique used for silicone gel implants will be discussed with you when you meet with Dr. Pousti. Silicone breast enhancement procedures take approximately two hours. Silicone gel implants are pre-filled and so the incision may be a little longer than those of saline filled implants. The pocket is made for the implant just as for the saline implant—with Dr. Pousti’s fingers so that the risk of severing nerves is decreased. During your consultation at our La Jolla, San Diego or Temecula/Murrieta office and after a thorough examination, Dr. Pousti will discuss every detail of your silicone breast enhancement, including the exact size and type of silicone breast implants he will use and their relative advantages. Silicone breast enhancements are performed on an outpatient basis at our surgical center in San Diego under general anesthesia.

What to Expect After Silicone Breast Enhancement Procedures

Rest in bed is the order of the day, along with plenty of fluids and no aggravation. During the first week, a brassiere will be fitted and you will be permitted to shower, perhaps as quickly as two to three days post-op. Initially, the breasts will appear to be slightly higher than normal and swollen. Over three to six weeks the implant will descend to a more natural position. Also, the chest will feel somewhat sore for the first few days. This should abate very quickly, and by the end of the first week you should be very comfortable.

If you accept the analogy that our bodies are like an engine, then it follows that this engine will perform better if you have the type of fuel that is designed to run. In years past, before artificially processed and manufactured foods, our bodies normally receive proper nutritional balance every day.

As more and more families were husband and wife holding jobs outside the home, the dynamics of food, exercise and nutrition began to change. "Convenience" and "fast food" became the norm, and farms were gradually replaced by the processing plants. Today, average food is so laden with artificial preservatives and saturated fats that our bodies are starving for the ingredients they need, and brimming with ingredients that are not needed.

This nutritional imbalance is manifested in weight problems, skin problems, tiredness, illness and poor general health. Although this problem has reached pandemic proportions, you can reverse the effects of a diet low in his own life, if you really want.

In the trash - garbage out

Although this sentence could have been coined by the computer industry is very important when it comes to our own body. Every moment we are alive, our body is busy manufacturing chemicals, liquids, proteins, and tissues that are necessary to stay healthy. Food, or rather the power that comes from food, is what the body depends on to handle all these tasks.

Everything we consume is used, stored or discarded by the body. The body needs a special diet can vary widely depending on what is happening inside and outside of us at one time. Our body makes decisions on whether to burn carbs or fat based on our immediate energy needs, how much time has passed since our last meal, and the general state of our health.

The body burns fuel in a very specific order. Alcohol is burned first because our bodies have no way of storing for later use. The protein is burned is carbohydrates, then, and finally fat.

Because fat is consumed past, and the average person has a high fat diet, the body store fat far from being used in the future. How is this stored fat? You guessed it, is stored as fat tissue. And that's why we call overweight "fat."

These deposits of excess fat does not just affect our appearance, but have a tremendous impact on our overall health. Study after study has shown that excess fat in our diet is directly related to these conditions:

* Increased risk of developing certain cancers.
* Increased risk of arterial disease and heart due to high cholesterol levels.
* Increased risk of stroke.
* Increased risk of diabetes.
* Increased risk of liver disease.
* Direct impact on the body's immune system.

It only makes sense to avoid these unnecessary health risks by reducing the amount of fat we eat every day? Absolutely.

i cry just a little

I know
Caught up in the middle
I cry just a little
When I think of letting go
Oh No
Gave up on the riddle
I cry just a little
When I think of letting go
 i cry just a little

These pictures were taken one week after my fourth laser hair removal treatment.  I didn't start shedding until the 8th day, but my hair was breaking at the point these photos were taken.  The hair is growing more slowly than before I started the treatment.  I'm not sure if this is entirely because of the treatment.  I've read that hair grows slower in colder weather, and it is December.  

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal

hair shedding after laser hair removal
(Even though South Florida isn't cold, it's still colder than when I started in April.). If you look at the bikini area pictures you can see the hair is different lengths.  This is because it is very fragile; it breaks when anything rubs against it.
You can hardly see the hair on my upper lip.  If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can see small black dots where the hair is surfacing. I am very concerned about pepperspots because unlike after the other treatments the hair is not pushing through my skin very quickly.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

 The Smartest Girl on CampusDieting today is more sophisticated than counting calories and doing sit-ups. People are more aware of how chemicals in foods react and stimulate the body's metabolism, and there is a continual search for foods that burn the maximum amount of fat.
  1. Hot Peppers

    • Cayenne and jalapeño peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical that burns the herbs' flavors into the tongue. Capsaicin also increases heart rate, boosts body temperature, and makes the metabolism work faster and burn more fat. Researchers at Laval University in Quebec found that pepper-rich snacks helped men burn an average of 1,000 more calories a day.

    Sardines and Tuna

    • Sardines and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids that reduce leptin, a hormone that plays a role in determining whether the body will use calories as energy or store them as fat. Researchers at Rockefeller University studied leptin in mice, and found those with lower levels of the hormone had lower levels of fat.

    Green Tea

    • In the search for fat-busting foods, green tea seems to make almost every list. In one of the more recent studies, Japanese researcher Nagao Tomonori found that green tea's high level of catechins reduces body fat and cholesterol, and lowers the risk of chronic disease.

      To be able to lose weight, you must burn your body fat to the maximum. So, how do you go about burning body fat to the maximum? Expert suggested that the best fat burning exercise is to combine cardio training and weight training. For those who have a high rate of metabolism, they can simply eat a little less and train a little less and still will have the maximum effect on burning body fat and losing weight. But for those who have low rate of metabolism, they will find it difficult to lose weight by doing less training and less eating. This is because their body is not burning enough calories. So in order for them to lose weight, they need to burn more calories.

      Doing 3 short cardio workouts per week, approximately 20-30 minutes per session will maintain your weight and health. For the purpose of losing weight, do cardio 4 to 7 days per week and other physical activities for 30 to 40 minutes, at a moderate pace. 

      Kristen is Brilliant

      Recommended cardio trainings for burning body fat are:

      1. Step Aerobics – mostly preferred by women and burns approximately 400 calories in 30 minutes.

      2. Bicycling – both stationary and outdoors are acceptable for a great cardio exercises. It will burn 250 to 500 calories in 30 minutes depending on resistance and speed.

      3. Swimming – it is a full body exercise and excellent for burning body fat. Swimming can burn approximately 400 calories in 30 minutes.

      4. Racquetball – the side to side sprinting is an excellent cardio exercise. By doing racquetball you will burn over 400 calories in 30 minutes.

      5. Rock Climbing – apart from being a good cardio exercise, it also strengthen your arms and legs and can burn up to 380 calories in 30 minutes.

      6. Cross-Country Skiing - an incredible cardio exercise and it involves both upper body and lower body and can burn approx 330 calories in 30 minutes.

      7. Running - an excellent cardio exercise because it burns serious calories. It burns 300 calories in 30 minutes.

      8. Elliptical Trainer - is an excellent cardio exercise and a great way to build endurance and can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

      9. Rowing - is both a cardio exercise and will strengthen your arms and can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

      10. Walking - Brisk walking is a less strenuous form of cardio exercises and it is good if you are just starting to exercise. Brisk walking can burn up to 180 calories in 30 minutes.

      For weight trainings there are various trainings available. There are squats, chest press, leg press, overhead press, cable row, triceps pushdown, torso twist and so on. If you are a beginner, it is advisable that you get the advice of an expert, or get a good workout book so you will not injure yourself doing the weight trainings. There are certain guidelines that you have to follow such as how many repetitions for each exercise and how many days are you allowed to do the exercise in a week. All these are very important for your well being and for burning body fat.
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maximum fat burning

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